Foundation Charitas Flores Netherlands (CFN)
Stichting Charitas Flores Nederland (CFN)
Algemeen Nut Beogende Instelling
Van Diepenburchstraat 152, 2597 PZ ’s-Gravenhage
KvK-nr. 82715475 RSIN 862577470 ANBI
IBAN: NL98ABNA0105601144

Chartias Flores Netherlands (CFN) is a charitable non-profit foundation with recognised ANBI-status. The board members and task force members are volunteers and receive no payment for charitable work. CFN operates in close partnership and cooperation with the 'Caritas Keuskupan Agung Ende' foundation, part of the Indonesian branch of 'Caritas Internationalis'.
"To confer charity in a poor country requires social relevance and scientifically responsible actions. "
CFN's mission is to be of service to the poor and needy by revitalising and empowering vulnerable people in village communities living in extreme poverty and suffering from infectious diseases. CFN facilitates and promotes integral human development to realise a dignified everyday life in a safe environment.
Goal attainment
Clean drink water a vital need on Flores
In the rural remote areas of Flores people have no access to clean drink water and are deprived of hygienic facilities which are in a deplorable state, if existent at all. CFN improves the hygienic facilities by establishing a solid durable social-economic infrastructure connecting people across boundaries of villages. We help to overcome extreme poverty and suffering from infectious diseases by realising access to clean water systems, providing better hygienic and health conditions, food safety and security and diffability care.
Participation and empowerment
A high grade of acceptance and participation of the people involved, regarded as main stakeholders, is a critical success factor in the development process. Clean drink water, sanitation and food security / safety are means to enhance empowerment and revitalisation.
Initially, the project was designed from a medical standpoint, but throughout the years of the undertaking, the project has evolved into an integral development project of rural village communities. The project focuses on the empowerment of people in need and on revitalisation people by installing clean drink water and sanitation facilities.
Cultural characteristics
CFN considered the involved village communities to be the most important stakeholders. To facilitate cooperation CFN upholds the following cultural characteristics:
Commitment to each other and the mission;
Mutual trust and transparency;
A high grade of acceptance and participation of village communities.;
Effective finance management, monitoring and reporting;
Focus on education and training to ensure sustainability;
Continuous attention and adjustment of reciprocal expectations, aimed at self-sufficiency, personal and mutual responsibility of villagers.
CFN accomplishes these goals by:
Facilitating an integral charitable development project consisting of five sub-projects, namely education / training; construction of clean water installations: sanitary facilities in houses and schools; horticultural projects and diffability care, all aimed at a sustainable socio-economic impact.
CFN works closely with:
The Indonesian foundation “Yayasan Caritas Keuskupan Agung Ende”, in short Caritas Ende;
The district administrations on Flores;
The Roman Catholic ecclesiastical authorities, including the Archbishop;
The villagers.
CFN obtains funds through fundraising activities, donations, legacies and/or inheritances, in order to co-finance the charitable Flores projects.
Board members
Drs. H.E.G. Kampen, founder / chairman, Counsellor Board of Caritas Ende
Lt.Kol. H.A.R. Kampen, vice-chairman
Mr. A.P. Kaland, secretary
Capt. Drs. G.L.J. Jacobs, second secretary & communication
Dr. H. B. Thio, scientific medical coordinator
Advisory Board
Mr. A.M. Vermeulen, chairman, barrister Crt. of App. NL
Drs. W.Th.F. van den Berg, bank director, rtrd..
Mrs. H. J. Wijers, Grand Bailiff of the Netherlands, Military and Hospitaller Order of Saint Lazarus of Jerusalem

© 2021 Stichting Charitas Flores Nederland